Academy of Mining Sciences of Russia

The Academy of Mining Sciences of the Russian Federation

brings together leading scientists and specialists in the field of mining and geology, the oil and gas industry, and the development of ore and non-metallic minerals.

The purpose and subject of the Academy’s activities are to promote the development of mineral resources and fuel and energy complexes, conduct independent fundamental and applied research in priority areas of mining sciences, promote the improvement of the training and retraining process training of specialists for the mineral and raw materials and fuel and energy complexes of Russia.

The Academy takes part in the development of the law “On Subsoil”, the examination of projects and closely cooperates with federal authorities (Rostechnadzor, the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation, etc.).

The Academy is accredited as a non-governmental organization by the UN and has special consultative status with its Economic and Social Council and the Committee on Sustainable Energy. This ensures significant rights and privileges for participants. In particular, the opportunity to initiate new areas of activity, work as experts, advisers and consultants to governments and the UN Secretariat, participate in special sessions of the General Assembly, and have access to various sources of information materials.


Graduated from the Moscow Mining Institute.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Mining Sciences. He was awarded many government and departmental awards of the USSR, Russian Federation and Russian Orthodox Church.

First director of OJSC Norilsk Mining Company, the world’s largest producer of non-ferrous and precious metals.

From 2021 – present V. – General Director of AGD DIAMONDS JSC.

Since December 19, 2022 – President of the Interregional public organization “Academy of Mining Sciences”.